Frequently asked questions.

How does registration work?

On registration day, a link will be provided to select your room type and preferred number of roommates or a single room. After submitting your registration, you must pay the deposit promptly to secure your chosen accommodation.

Does everyone in my room have to pay a deposit and do registration?

Yes, everyone attending must complete registration and pay a deposit.

If I selected a payment plan, when will my first payment be due?

After successful registration, an invoice will be created and delivered to you no later than February 25th. Your payments should be made by the 10th of every month until your balance is cleared. You will also have the option to log in and see all invoices previously paid, future payments, and pay on them as you see fit.

Are flights included?

No, you have to purchase your own flights separately.

Is transportation included?

We will provide transportation if needed, there will be a link to pay and list your flight times.

How much are the rooms?

The full breakdown of rooms based on occupancy can be found on the Jamaica page on the website.